Monday, February 9, 2009

Mondays with Micol: Who's Your Bradford Crush?

Tee hee. Cute boys. One of our fave topics! For today's Mondays with Micol question, we asked our favorite authoress which Bradford boy she totally crushes on. Here's what she had to say:

Jeremy is the one I would have dated in high school: artsy, deep, thoughtful, above all of that social mafia stuff.

BUT I think I probably would have had a weak spot for bad-boy Dalton, too. He's like chocolate-chocolate chip ice cream; decadent, indulgent, bad for you in large quantities . . . but irresistible.

Okay, it's share-time, people: which Brad-boy gets YOU all haute and bothered?

If you need a cheat sheet, check out their pages on the Bradford Prep website. Log in using the username "guest" and the password from the e-mail on Spencer's desktop at the end of GoldenGirl.

Tell us what you think by this Thursday at midnight EST, and you'll be entered in this week's giveaway. We'll use a random number generator to select a winner, and will announce the lucky recipient in Friday's post. Good luck!


  1. *pouts* i thought i knew the password but i guess i didn't. My vote is for Jeremy, from the moment he was described I just knew it!

  2. D'oh! The password is in the back of the GoldenGirl--but not the galley, the finished book! Sneaky sneaky!

  3. Yeah I saw a final copy in a store and thought I remembered what it was, apparently I didn't! I wrote it down at home but pretty sure that's the word I remembered. Hmm...

  4. It is case-sensitive, so be sure the first letter is capitalized.

    But you can also try to figure it out if you've read the book.

    Hint #1: the password is related to the Bradford Prep's prized "artifact."

  5. Unfortunately, I always have had a weak spot for the bad boy. I am all about Dalton!

  6. You know, some bad boys really *are* bad to the bone, but I bet you Dalton has layers...We'll see...

  7. I am definitely a sucker for the artistic types. So it is Jeremy for me.

  8. Jeremy for me as well. he's actually really hot. i went on the student pages. he sounds really cool and artsy.

  9. I'm going to be different and go with Tyler. Though he's parties hard, he's an "it" guy! How could you not want to be seen with him?

  10. Tyler has his moments, for sure...but I may know some stuff about him that you don't (yet)!

  11. Oooh, that sounds juicy! I love it. Can't wait to find out...

  12. alright I thought I found the password, it seemed pretty obvious.. but it won't work =[ help??

  13. The password has temporarily been removed, so you should be able to access the BradfordWeb freely now.
