Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fa la la la la, friendlies!

Our Holiday Gift to You . . .

So, in honor of the holidays, I thought I'd update you on all the Bradfordian goodness that's been popping up on the Web. Think of these as free gifts, if you will, to tide you over until GoldenGirl arrives in bookstores in late January.

If you look over here
you can see all the latest Bradford stuff as it appears. Such as
  • Spence, Mads, Paige, and Regan are all Twittering on a regular basis, so follow them on Twitter or keep an eye on the RSS feed on this blog to find out what they're up to at the moment.
  • The first 6 Bradford Websites are up and running, so check them out. Zephyr is particularly cool—can someone throw me a fictional intervention so I can be shipped off to Turks & Caicos during this freezing Philly weather?
  • Friend the Bradford gals on Facebook and MySpace. Links over here <--------------------
  • A few new Bradfordian blog posts have gone up recently (but don't worry, the really spoilery ones won't go live until the book is out, so you can read to your heart's content).
  • Also, check out Jeremy's OUT OF AFRICA blog on Tumblr, which he'll be updating regularly. Get to know this Bradford guy before the book comes out by keeping up with his latest thoughts/photos/links/whatevs. (Micol and I have serious crushes on him, just like at least one Bradford girl. What about you?)
We're finalizing the GoldenGirl book trailer for you RIGHT NOW, so keep an eye out for that as a New Year's pressie just for you. And don't forget to post the GoldenGirl countdown widget on your website/blog and let us know (either by e-mailing Micol or by posting about it here) so we can reward your awesomosity. 'Tis the season of giving!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fun Freebies!

Santa visited early this year--something about us being Jewish had him confused, I guess--and dropped off the very pretty Bradfordly giveaways. Three have been promised to three very promising book bloggers:
But there are more! There are infinite! And one can be YOURS.
How, you ask?
Just follow these three simple steps:
1. Visit the Bradford Novels blog.
(And look--you're here already! So you're all kinds of ahead of the game!)
2. Download our countdown widget.
3. Email me at micol@micolostow.com to tell me you've downloaded our countdown widget.

And then wait patiently for your fun freebie to arrive.

Oh, oh, oh, I do so heart the hols!



Monday, December 15, 2008

What'cha got there?

Why, it's only an ADVANCE COPY of GoldenGirl, hot off the presses!
So purty...
Pre-order yours today!

Monday, December 8, 2008

News of the veriest variety!

ZOMG, people: I spy with my little eye, TWO BRADFORD GALLEYS side by side!
Yes, it's true--I came home from Thanksgiving weekend to find the oh-so-pretty galley for "Fashionista" waiting for me and immediately set about laying it next to the galley for "GoldenGirl" to soak in all of the Bradfordly lurveliness.
(Aside: please to disregard the mess of whatnot lying on the floor below my dining room table; I live like a writerly heathen shut-in, for reals.)
How cute are they together? I mean, they are cute separately, but when placed adjacent to each other? It is an excess of YA series style, right?


Not only that, but the Bradford team will be going multi-media on your butts, post-haste: we're gearing up to post a book trailer for the series, an exclusive author vid, and to go livelivelive with all of the various websites for the full Bradfordverse experience. We've also got some dates for y'all to take note of w/r/t all sorts of launchy fun:

1/7/09: "GoldenGirl" reading at the NYPL (Jefferson Market branch) along with some of your favorite YA authors (NY, NY)
1/26/09: LIVE author chat with blogger thepageflipper (a great chance for me to schmooze with those of you who aren't NYC-local)
1/27/09: "GoldenGirl" releases (have you pre-ordered your copy?)!
2/17/09: MediaBistro launch party for The Bradford Novels (NY, NY)

Details on all of the above to follow as we get closer to B-day. And if you're interested in writing up Bradford on *your* blog, swing by my author website and drop me a line: www.micolostow.com. Flattery will get you everywhere, dearies...

Keep an eye on the widget! I'm off to primp. So much to do, so little time. Only 49 days (and counting)...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

68 Days . . . and Counting.

GoldenGirl has a countdown widget! So now you'll know exactly how many days, hours, minutes, and seconds it will be until Micol Ostow's new novel is available in bookstores.

Spread the word, post to your blogs & profiles, and enjoy the countdown!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tweet, tweet!

The fab four of Bradford (Spencer, Madison, Paige, and Regan) can now be found on Twitter!
(For a direct stream of their latest tweets, look to your left.)
Come follow them! They'll totes return the favor!

Friday, November 14, 2008

So, what's GoldenGirl about?

Want a sneak peak at GoldenGirl, the first Bradford novel?

Here's a wordle of the entire book for you to enjoy! (I just love wordles. They're so pretty.)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

OMG, friendlies! Bloggidy goodness!

Hello and welcome to the very officialicous BRADFORD NOVELS blog!
If you are familiar with my work, then you may know that I already have both an author website and a LiveJournal blog, but from now until the launch of The Bradford Novels (that's 1/27/09, for those of you friendlies keeping score at home), I'll be posting HERE on a (mostly) regular basis to give you all kinds of dirt on the series.
My editors and I developed this blog to give readers a sneak peek into the months leading up to a book launch. As we get closer to G-day (GoldenGirl, aka Book #1, Day), you'll find author videos, Q&A's with other YA authors, brilliant insights on the writing life from yours truly (if I do say so myself), outtakes from photo shoots, cover stories, contests, and more, more, more!

Can you EVEN stand it?

I for one cannot. In fact, I may need to go lay down somewhere quiet and pull myself together again.

More soon.

As you were!

